Realizing a society that accepts carbon cultivation

The proposed "carbon cultivation society" envisions an ideal societal state. A method will be devised to evaluate it as an accepted technological development, particularly through backcasting from the sustainability standpoint of the local community where the technology will be implemented. This determination emerged during activities in the nurturing program, concluding that utilizing the concept of donut economics is suitable for integrating diverse values. A new indicator inspired by this concept will be created and implemented. It will then be tailored to the specific framework of the implementation region and established as the evaluative indicator management for the project. Additionally, a forum for dialogue will be established to facilitate co-creation based on the needs of various stakeholders. This forum will offer feedback to the research field.

Clarification of constraints affecting regional sustainability

The lack of clarity regarding the foundational region in the biomass resource cycle often complicates social implementation management. The scope of the regional circulation zone will be clarified by analyzing certain elements. In the cultivation phase, a process will be constructed centered around rice. As the project advances to the full-scale phase, a blueprint for expanding this process to include rice, forests, and algae will be defined, and the implementation project will be managed according to this blueprint.

Identification of new value elements of accepted technology

Beyond economic considerations, diverse values can be harnessed through carbon cultivation. These include values that emphasize environmental, economic, and social enhancements at production sites. Notably, these encompass biodiversity, sustainable productivity, food security, culture, health, and other indicators aligned with the SDGs. These values will serve as indicators for evaluating project outcomes. Concurrently, they will be articulated as "narratives of value creation" that span every step from production to consumption. They will play a pivotal role in discussions during dialogue sessions.

Innovative technological design for a carbon-recycling society

At present, the core technological components primarily involve biomass resource utilization, material development, and energy utilization. This theme delves into the design of ancillary and societal technologies that complement these core technologies. Target technologies will be sought, concentrating on elements that bridge resources and regions. These include technologies connecting production sites and consumers, innovative resource transportation methods, leveraging of digital transformation (DX) in smart agriculture, value creation founded on traceability, and the establishment of "biomass clusters." These areas have been highlighted in prior discussions and projects, and they will be further developed as part of the project’s expansion.

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